A Message to the Aviation and Aerospace Industries

Dear Aviation and Aerospace Industry,

The Equal Skies Charter is an industry collaboration with the intent to improve disability diversity and inclusion within the aviation and aerospace sector.

In the autumn of last year The Equal Skies Charter released its first industry questionnaire. Our ground-breaking questionnaire intended to investigate disability employment within the aviation and aerospace industry and the data collected will form the basis for a report due to be published by The Equal Skies Charter in the third quarter of 2024.

So far, we have been disappointed with the response we have received from the industry. There might be a caution about providing this data, perhaps viewed as a negative reflection on the industry. This is not the intent – any data is good data at this stage! It is essential that we collect this data to record a baseline from which the industry can potentially develop over the years that follow. In short, the data that we receive is the first step on an incredibly positive journey for the entire industry.

Over the last year The Equal Skies Charter has found that whilst the industry is happy to stand by this issue in principle, we have seen less action in affecting lasting and fundamental change.

It is important to note that our work will not only benefit people with disabilities. With more disabled people in work and travelling – the global economy also stands to benefit. Most importantly for us, the aviation and aerospace industries stand to benefit too as you gain access to a new cohort of determined, innovative and enthusiastic talent with a wealth of unique lived experience and perspectives.

This is why we are calling upon you, as champions of inclusivity within aviation and aerospace, to ask that you respond to and amplify our plea for data. We ask that you share this request with your employees, members, partners and supporters so that we can make the world a little better for those with disabilities and for you, the sector that we want to see succeed even more.

You can find our questionnaire at www.equalskiescharter.org/questionnaire. It only takes five minutes to complete and in that time, you will be helping us to instigate positive change. Contributors will also be in with a chance of winning a trip for up to ten employees to Gulfstream’s maintenance facility at Farnborough Airport.

The deadline for submissions is the 10th of May 2024.

We have data on gender, ethnicity, and social backgrounds. Now is the time to collect real-world data about disabled people and the aviation sector, creating a more positive environment for employment, the associated benefits both within the workforce and in supporting revenue generation. A positive process for positive change.

Yours sincerely,

The Equal Skies Charter Team


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